International Women’s Day celebration at Aitken Spence Travels

A girl, sister, wife, mother and more, women play significant different roles in each stage of their lives.

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th every year and is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

As an organization with 90 female staff members, Aitken Spence Travels executed a special program in commemoration of the International Women’s Day. The program was aimed at educating the female staff of the company about the key social issues faced by women in general and how we, as women in travel, can prepare ourselves to address them.

The commemoration took a face of panel discussion. In order to add value from a legal perspective, WSSP Mrs. Lanka Rajini Amerasekara, the first female administrative director of the Sri Lanka Police graced the discussion with real-life examples of harassment faced by women and educated the audience on important rules, regulations and procedure to keep in mind.

We also had Mrs. Rasini Bandara, who is a psychologist and a motivational speaker at Mind Heals Pvt Ltd. With her relatable examples, insights and exceptional oratory skills in both English and Sinhala languages, she touched the hearts of the audience. Hence, the focus of the discussion, “you as a woman” was attained while leaving everyone with the feeling empowerment and inspiration.

Further, in appreciation of the ladies at Aitken Spence Travels for their efforts and commitment both within and outside the work environment, tokens of appreciation were presented. The day ended with fun, laughter and photographs cherished for lifetime.

Source: ASTL team

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