The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Stockholm conducted a tourism promotional event at the ‘Stockholm Travel Show’ at the Royal Djurgården, Stockholm held through 13-15 May. This Travel Show was convened at this enchanting locality, adjacent to one of the iconic historical sites of Stockholm, the ‘Vasa Museum’. Thus, the Travel Show enticed tourists visiting Stockholm and the high end city dwellers in Stockholm and its suburbs.
In the peak of summer, this well selected location proved to be an ideal setting to attract maximum number of visitors for promotion of tourism.
The Stall of the Embassy of Sri Lanka was one among many other exhibitors marketing and selling their respective services related to tourism at this bustling venue.
Sri Lankan Stall was adorned with pictures creating a strong visual impact of what Sri Lanka had to offer for the travellers. Tourist information in the form of brochures was handed over to the enquiring and enthusiastic visitors to make them more conversant on Sri Lanka and to motivate them to visit Sri Lanka.
Adding a tinge of fun and frolic into the activities of the Sri Lankan Stall, blindfolded games such as ‘Marking the Eye of the Elephant’ were introduced and this item created amusement among the young and old and the gifts symbolic of Sri Lanka were distributed among the winners. Assortments of Sri Lankan culinary specialities were served at the event tantalising taste buds of the visitors. As no Sri Lankan meal is complete without a cup of tea, a wide variety of tea was served as an accompaniment to the Sri Lankan food made available for the visitors.
The large crowds that thronged the Stockholm Travel Show enthusiastically visited the Sri Lankan Stall and enjoyed different facets of Sri Lanka through the items presented at the stall.
The staff of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Sweden played a pivotal role in coordinating the event and made efforts to project Sri Lanka as a destination, well worth a visit.
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